What is it?
Have you ever driven somewhere and realised upon arrival that you can barely remember the journey? Contrary to popular belief, Cognitive Hypnotherapy does not consider ‘hypnotic trance’ to be something that is done to you, but instead, something you naturally experience during your everyday life, in moments where you’re not entirely present. When you find yourself doing things without thinking, or responding to a situation in a way which feels out of your control, you are actually in a state of trance. This is because your unconscious mind drives the majority of your behaviour (around 90 per cent). QCH therapy is therefore about using evidence-based strategies to relinquish the control that your present ‘trances’ have over your decision-making. We work together to change the way you perceive something in order to impact the way you react to it. Using a framework of therapeutic techniques, you will develop an array of skills and coping strategies to help you overcome the feelings that hold you back, and cultivate more positive thoughts and behaviours.
Hi, I'm Stella.
Founder of Audley Space
My role as a therapist has been enriched in so many ways by my own lived experience. I know how overwhelming it can feel to view life as happening to you; to experience trauma, anxiety, loss and heartbreak. But I have also learned through rigorous self-reflection and through my in-depth, multi-faceted training, how to manage feelings and thoughts in response to the unpredictability of life.
You’re here, which means that some part of you is ready to heal and let go. I am committed to helping you learn how best to grow from pain or fear and how to implement the positive changes you’re seeking. Sometimes, even though we know something to be true, it can be hard to transform that thought into a feeling that enables lasting change. When we work together, I deliver a bespoke treatment tailored to your needs, and share vital tools in helping you transform your goals into a very real, more fulfilled reality.
No two people experience life in the same way, and therefore each treatment is approached according to the client themselves and not the label they present. It may, however, be useful to read below about some of the different things that people bring to the therapy room. For an extended list of issues that Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help with, you can read more here, or alternatively please don't hesitate to reach out .
Relationship Issues
Do you find yourself in a perpetual cycle of entering the wrong relationships? Are you struggling to move forward after a break up? Or are you feeling discontented in your current relationship? Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help you to uncover the drivers behind your choices, identify and challenge core beliefs and help you to approach the future feeling self-empowered and fulfilled.
A certain amount of anxiety is an integral part of the human protection response, but if you find you're suffering from fear or worry that is persistent and intrusive, we can work together on learning how to better calm your nervous system and employing helpful tools in managing your anxiety. Understanding the root cause can also be helpful in developing your confidence to cope in future.
Fears & Phobias
One of the most popular uses of QCH therapy is to overcome fears and phobias: whether it's spiders, public speaking, or heights, Cognitive Hypnotherapy is effective in getting to the source of the issue and reducing both one's emotional and physical responses. By harmonising what's going on both consciously and subconsciously, we can work together to reduce the aspects of your life that you avoid due to fear.